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Why Is It So Hard to Keep Our New Year’s Resolutions?

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jacky lim resolutions Have you made a list of resolutions for this year? As we are a couple of days into the new year, how are you in terms of following through, if you did set a list for yourself. How many of you admit that it’s easier for the first few days or months? Oftentimes we fall off the wagon and even forget the changes we want to achieve as June approaches. So why do people often fail to keep their resolutions?

In making resolutions

The major reason why people make resolutions is to raise their standards and improve themselves. For example, you could say that you want to be frugal this year, you will strive to get more sleep, or maybe even aim to travel more. We set out to have these certain goals for all good intents and purposes but it may not be as easy as it seems. Resolutions sound challenging and exciting while you are making them, and also when you welcome the new year. However, some start backsliding even as early as February. A research from the University of Stranton even revealed that only 8% only succeed in the achieving their resolutions.

How you are more likely to achieve success with resolutions

Jacky Lim explains that in making resolutions, you should steer clear from only “wishing” the changes to happen. These are two different ballparks which can determine success from failures. When you simply say something, but you don't really instill it in your system to change, then you are only longing for it to happen. That is far from MAKING it happen. Even something as simple as aiming to be more organized with your workspace is a feat in itself if you are able to keep it by the end of the year. You not only have an uncluttered desk, but a discipline to keep things in order and this will soon be ingrained in your habits, and may even resonate in other aspects in your life. In this video Jacky Lim shares why we fail to follow through with our resolutions, and what can we do to stick to our word?
Image Source: pexels.com Learn how you can train yourself to maintain good habits and change your life for the better this coming year! Know the secrets herePlease Rate this Post:

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