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Excellence and Success: How to Unleash Your Personal Power


How do you achieve success? How do you fulfil your life’s desires? Best-selling self-development books and motivational speakers would probably have one common answer to those hard-hitting questions. It is all about Personal Power. It has been used one too many times that its essence and definition have become all jumbled up and has even become a cliché that has lost its meaning. But let us gear back and put substantial meaning into it – the NLP way, of course.

The Many Definitions of Personal Power

It would be no surprise to you if I say that personal power is the key to personal success. It is after all the ability to take action, as what American life success coach Anthony Robbins was once quoted. True enough, without action, there are no results to experience to speak of in the first place. It is the driving force that motivates and inspires us to work for what we aspire in the world. To some extent, it is also our compass that guides us to which direction we must take on to achieve personal growth and development. Understanding and harnessing your own personal power is a formidable self-concept that anyone who seeks out excellence must learn to embrace.

Being the art and science of human excellence, it is no wonder that NLP takes on the personal power of utmost importance and high regard. After all, success and excellence begins and is all about channelling what is within you and utilizing it to achieve brilliance no matter what aspect in your life.

Personal Power According to Richard Bandler

NLP co-creator Richard Bandler clearly defined that real personal power is all about discerning what you do well and also knowing what you do not do well. This paves way for the art of learning to do its magic. NLP is about learning and relearning new (and sometimes even old) positive thoughts and behavioural patterns, after all. We often hear and read that for success to happen, you have to will it. While positive imagery is a tool used in NLP, but for Bandler, it is not enough to simply imagine you are doing things you want to achieve. You have to learn to do it methodically.

Personal power gives you the freedom to keep learning the right things so you can acquire the right skills the right way to achieve success and excellence in your life. But what is great with NLP is that if what you are doing is not working, you can actually find somebody who can do it and learn how to acquire it, so that you can change the results of what you are doing and manifest greater things in life. This is where the importance of having success models comes into play to teach you how to achieve things that you normally are not able to do.

Essentially, personal power all boils down to knowing what you do best and opening yourself up to the opportunities of learning. This allows you to put into better perspective what you need to do next. And if you go back to one of the definitions of personal power mentioned earlier, personal power is about taking action to make things work out the way you want them to.

Apart from the definition from Richard Bandler, there are NLP presuppositions that support one’s ability to harness personal power. These are beliefs that have guided the development of NLP and principles that have been proven to produce positive results.

It is All About Beliefs

First is that People work perfectly. This is means that no one is broken or wrong. We are still able to function perfectly even if at times what we are doing is not in accordance with our will. However, here also lies the fact that all behaviour has a structure, which when understood can be used to change a behaviour into something more desirable. This supports what Bandler is saying about personal power that finding what you and others can do allows you to change ineffective life strategies into one that is more suited to achieving useful and desirable results. This is because people, in essence, can carry out behaviour patterns perfectly no matter what; it is just that the patterns or strategies are ineffective or poorly designed.

You may think that this is easy to say, especially when you think that the resources to achieve this feat called personal power is hard to come by. But this is challenged by another NLP presupposition that states that People have the resources that they need. This means that everything you need to unleash your personal power is already within you and is actually easily accessible. The positive change that you are yearning is in you, it is just that you are not consciously aware of it. This is where the basic resource of personal power, and one that is pointed by Bandler, comes into play, which is learning. All it takes is to know when to access useful resources at will. Of course, this can be taught and learned using some of the most powerful NLP techniques.

Part of this learning process is also Modeling successful performance leads to excellence. Sometimes replicating and integrating other people’s conscious and unconscious competence can help you achieve your success. But the most important of all aspects that are involved in personal power is the NLP belief that If you want to understand, act. Because essentially, real learning is all about doing. Apply what you have learned to see whether a lesson, strategy, thought pattern or behaviour works or does not work for you. Doing and refining along the way until you get the results that you want is definitely an important aspect of your personal power. And again there lies the importance of perseverance and resilience.

The End Goal is Change

The end goal of harnessing your personal power is all about change. Changing the direction of your life. You do this by focusing on your strengths and limitation, learning what works and new strategies to get your results and capping it off with receptive action.

There are several NLP tools and techniques that can help you achieve this. To know what these powerful systems are, you can join us in Singapore NLP Jacky Lim NLP Sharing Session. This intimate 2-hour session with Jacky will help you unravel the potential within you that will propel you to the heights of excellence and success. This will be a life-changing 2 hours for you without spending a single dime. To book the free seat reserved just for you, simply fill-out our inquiry form today!

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