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Enneagram for influence and leadership

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For more than 15 years, it never ceases to amaze me how the Enneagram profiling tool is able to accurately describe any individual’s personality traits in lightning speed. When used appropriately, it can not only give us the ability to develop a higher level of self-awareness so that we can start tapping into our unique strengths and overcome our natural negative tendencies, we could also use it to better understand the people around us. So what exactly is Enneagram?

What Is The Enneagram Profiling Tool All About?

Enneagram which comes from the Greek words “Ennea” (meaning “nine”) and “Gramma” (meaning “letter”) is a system of personality development based on how we think, feel and act. Through Enneagram, you will be able to gain greater knowledge of your inner world, to build your capabilities for self-observation, thereby transforming your behaviour in the outer world. Here’s a quick look at the 9 different types of people we can identify using the Enneagram:

The Nine Enneagram Types

1. Perfectionist: They are people who are constantly looking to make things better, seeking perfection in whatever they do. Often driven and ambitious, they can sometimes be workaholics. They are natural-born organizers, who finish everything on the list. However, due to their relentlessness pursuit of the ideal, Perfectionists tend to have a hard time relaxing and often deny themselves many of the harmless pleasures of life.
2. Helper: They are people who love to help others. Often seen as warm and friendly, Helpers value their personal relationships tremendously and devote an enormous amount of energy to them. On the downside, while constantly labouring to meet other peoples’ needs, they can forget to take care of their own. This can lead to physical burnout, emotional exhaustion and emotional volatility.
3. Achiever: They are socially competent, often extroverted, and sometimes charismatic. Highly focused and motivated individuals, many Achievers tend to succeed at an early age in life. However, the irony is that many Achievers’ accomplishments may very often be driven by their fear of shame. Secretly afraid of being “losers”, Achievers aim for success with the purpose of getting validation from others.
4. Romantic: They are the poets and artists. They tend to build their identities around their perception of themselves as being somehow different or unique. They long to be understood and appreciated for their authentic selves, but easily feel misunderstood and unappreciated. They often withdraw in the face of a world that seems harsh or crude and are often somewhat moody or temperamental.
5. Investigator: They love to gain knowledge and wisdom. Highly focused in what they do, Investigators are generally intelligent, well-read and thoughtful and they frequently become experts in the areas that capture their interest. However they can sometimes be seen as eccentric; they tend to be shy, nonintrusive, independent and reluctant to ask for the help that others might well be happy to extend to them.
6. Loyalist: They are the committed, security-oriented people. They are reliable, hard-working, responsible, and trustworthy. Nonetheless, Loyalists typically have problems with self-doubt and suspicion. Sometimes they can become defensive, evasive, and anxious, running on stress while complaining about it.
7. Explorer: Their attention goes to options and possibilities, to seeking pleasure, to avoiding pain and discomfort. Often seen as highly optimistic, Explorers like to keep the mood upbeat, and so engage in elaborate future planning, playful interactions, and enjoyable activities. Challenges arise when they misapply their many talents, becoming overextended, scattered, and easily distracted.
8. Challenger: They are self-confident, strong, and assertive. Often resourceful, straight-talking, and decisive, many Challengers are born entrepreneurs. They are natural leaders who can be friendly and charitable, yet dictatorially manipulative, ruthless and willing to destroy anything in their way if necessary to achieve what they want.
9. Peacemaker: These people are ruled by their empathy. At their best, they are receptive, gentle, calming and at peace with the world. They tend to dissociate from conflicts and to indifferently go along with other people’s wishes. However, a problem arises when Peacemakers withdraw themselves and try to shut down emotionally and mentally. They are especially prone to dissociation and passive-aggressive behaviour. As you can see, all nine Enneagram Types tend to exhibit unique behaviour traits because they possess different values and belief systems. As you engage this tool to help you develop a higher level of self-awareness and understand the maps of people around you, you would ultimately become a more effective leader who is capable of igniting and inspiring high performance and productivity in your team.

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