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How to Use Your Voice and Speak Your Way to Success

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creating successful speeches with jacky lim

As a first time public speaker, there are a lot of things that can go on in your head. You need to memorize your data, know your audience, master your speaking equipment like your microphone and your visual aids. Most of the time, what is forgotten is the most essential and that is the tone of your voice. As a teacher or public speaker, nothing can be just as important as the message you want to convey as the tone you use to express it. Learning the right approach to your voice and how to use it effectively can make or break your lesson or speech. 

NLP and Your Voice

Neuro-linguistic Programming explains the dynamics of the neurological process, language, and behavioral patterns from experiences and highlights how a person can change his or her life with the right NLP techniques. A prime example of such dynamics is the use of your voice.

A lot of people are not aware of it, but a pleasant tone is positively received by every cell of your body, making it want to listen for more. This is one of the reasons why there are speakers who can capture their audience, literally speaking. However, to convey powerful messages, there are specific tones that that the mind and body react to. To cut straight to the point, you can use your voice to affect the state of being of your audience as your voice tells them your state of being that you want them to feel.

The Importance of Your Tone of Voice

As trivial as it may sound, your voice plays a crucial role in the relaying of information, so big that it matters twice as much as the actual content of the message. It is a very high figure to ignore and the sooner you master the right way of using your voice, the faster you gain the power over your audience. This fact is particularly interesting for teachers and public speakers.

To better understand the voice you have, there are four voice qualities you have to be aware of.


This is how loud or soft you speak. It is used to create impact for an important message, a message that you desperately want to get across. Loudness gives off an air of confidence and enthusiasm, which is also the reason why we shout when we want people to rally to our side. Maximize this element when you really need to strengthen your message and get the attention you need from the audience.


Also referred to as the rate of speech is about how fast or slow you talk. For motivational or energetic presentations, it would be ideal to speak a little quicker. This also prevents the audience from getting bored with your material. When there are times you need the audience to think or reflect on your ideas, give them the time to do it and speak slower. Know the right time to use the better pace. The change in pace also provides variety to your talk and keeps your audience on their toes.


This refers to how high or low the voice is. It is worth noting that the lower the pitch, the more authoritative the speaker will sound to the audience. A higher pitch gives off the vibe of excitement and fun. The rise and fall of the pitch is also used to make the audience identify the information your give. The pitch of a question is different from the pitch of an imperative or a simple sentence Use variation to get the desired effect on your audience.


This is the manner you use in delivering your speech, the so-called “emotional tone” that you use when you speak. To give a better idea, some of the possible tones that could be used are the somber, excited, straightforward, and friendly. Among the other qualities, this is the one that makes your speech impactful and memorable to your audience.

The tone of a graduation or wedding speech is delivered with emotions of pride, love and warmth. An inaugural speech is delivered with energy, inspiration, exaltation, inspiring hope for the future. A sales presentation delivered with passion ignites excitement, compelling customers to take action.

The tone of your voice determines how your audience will feel during and after your speech. Maya Angelou said, “People may not remember what you said but they will remember how you made them feel.” This quote brings home the point that the tone of your speech is vital to creating the desired impact and outcome. How you deliver your message can be more important than what you say. Vocal variety is one of THE most important public speaking skills to master.

Know Your Voice and How to Use It

Booming Voice

There are people who were born with full and loud voices and they are the ones who don't have any problems getting heard. Such people need to remember they don't have to be always on a ten unless there is no microphone at your disposal. Learn to create texture by using a fading voice or a whisper, but learn to do this without sacrificing the audibility of your speech.

Melodious Voice

Intonation creates the melody of the voice and must require a specific one to add impact to the message of the speaker. Unfortunately, there are those whose melodies are not the pleasant ones to hear. These include those that are naturally squeaky or guttural and flat sometimes. Try recording your natural speech and have somebody assess the areas you need to change to create a more pleasant melody for you.

Rainbow Voice 

The quality of your voice expresses your feelings and by coloring your voice, you would be able to address your audience with the right color to transmit positive feelings. The quality of the voice creates that bond that you would like to have with your audience. Ideally, your voice should be clear, mellow, and enthusiastic. Avoid sounding nasal, breathy, harsh or lifeless. A good way to improve the quality of your voice is to know the roles that you play. Such roles include the role of parent, friend, boss, lover, and employee among others. Each of these roles uses a different quality and studies the way you move your mouth and even your lips. By being aware of things like muscle tension, stress, and relaxation, you get to know the how to use these to create the shade you need for the role you want to play.

Indistinct Voice

Nothing can be more self-defeating than having this kind of voice. You should be understood at all times and to do this, you need to get rid of the elements that make if difficult for the audience to understand you like swallowing your words or mumbling them.

Mastering these voice tones can help you push towards public speaking success with leaps and bounds.

If you want your inner speaker to emerge, join one of Jacky Lim’s Public Speaking Training & Workshops. Learn how NLP can unleash the confident and proficient in you using many secrets in unlocking your fear of public speaking. Call us now or simply fill-out our inquiry to enroll in this workshop today!

Photo Source: Pexels.com

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