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Learn the Secrets to Successful Selling


When you are in the field of selling, whether as a top executive entrepreneur, marketing person, sales staff, training officer or even as a customer service relations officer, there is that one and be all goal – that is to seal that business deal and drive in sales. Sure thing, it is easy. All you need is an incredible product or service and make that imposing pitch to your customers, right? But have you ever wondered why others seem to be flourishing; yet you are in a slump struggling to even getting to first base to inking that that lucrative transaction?

The Five Secrets to Successful Selling

For the most part, sales people have been smeared with a negative image of either being pushy, deceiving and aggressive. While this is never really the case, old tricks of the trade might have driven you towards this direction. That is why the psychology of sales dictates otherwise. Let us shed light on some Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) insights that will help you veer towards increasing your selling performance successfully.

1. Create positive associations of your products and services

One of the basic and obvious musts in sales is that you establish yourself as an expert in your niche or industry. This means that you must get involved into learning as much about the product or service that you are selling. However, knowing every bit of single detail about your product is not enough to translate into a successful sale.

It is important that when you promote doing your sales pitch to a prospect client that you create a pleasant and exciting association of the product or service you are selling. This will ignite a spark of interest in your customer’s mind and become interested in the possibility of getting hold of what you are selling. This is will also help your customer to constantly think about your product whenever he encounters that association that you have just related to your product.

2. Be Perceptive

Crucial in sales is that you should be able to get to who your general customers are. This can be achieved by making use of marketing strategies or business analysis. However, in cases where you will need to make a product presentation to a specific group of individual client, it pays to be a bit more resourceful in getting to know them better. Technology has paved the way to this with the many social networking sites available. But, information from these sources can be limiting and trivial. That is why it is important that you develop your skills in subtly understanding your client.

This can be achieved by intently listening to your client and taking notice of their preferred language. Doing just this will help you understand how to approach or communicate with the other person throughout the course of a product presentation or meeting. Listen in to the words your client is using and body language nuances and respond accordingly based on these.

So, if you perceive that your client is a visual type, show him more visually stimulating images. Or you can let your client examine a product by them touch and really look into it, if he is kinesthetic. These personal distinctions are better measures that you can take advantage of in sealing a deal more than knowing your client’s educational background or professional accomplishments. Taking effort in being more attentive and knowing your customer better could yield you a lasting impression.

3. Master the Art of Negotiating

The art of negotiating is definitely a skill any sales person must learn to master. It is a skill that you constantly use in your every working day, after all. Before heading on out to a sales meeting, it is important that you determine your desired outcome before setting out negotiations. This way you will be able to set your boundaries and know limits.

Sometimes all it takes is the right use of words and matching it fittingly with your body language.  As much as possible, avoid having to use the noun “I” and instead use the more inclusive “We” or the engaging “You” when making a presentation. This also follows with using positive words rather than using negative statements, such as “I disagree” or “I beg to differ.”

Gestures, like leaning in at a comfortable distance to suggest interest and head nods to show agreement, helps in making your client feel comfortable and build trust. Also, it is best not to let negative emotions ruin your negotiations. Frustration and anger can easily be apparent and read by the other person. So, it is important to lead with optimism.

Also, negotiations involve healthy discussion between two parties. So, do not hog the meeting by going on and on and on with your product presentation. Solicit opinions or let your client react. This will also help you with the next item.

4. Develop Trust and Build Rapport

Establishing trust when it comes to selling is definitely important. And we know that trust is most often achieved with similarity. That is why being perceptive can help you out in developing trust by finding a common ground that you can use as a foundation in building trust and eventually in maintaining rapport with your client.

Learning NLP rapport techniques can help you gain a competitive edge in dealing with a prospective customer. A critical piece in developing rapport is achieving a level of harmony. Specifically, techniques used in NLP, such as Mirroring and Matching, allow you to build trust by understand your client’s body language and subconsciously matching one another.

5. Get Organized

Sometimes, reaching a successful sale starts within one’s inner self. This means that you need to keep yourself focused and thoughts and surroundings organized. Amplifying, or even changing, your state of mind allows you to become more motivated and overcome challenges that you may encounter during the course of your business transaction. It may involve tapping into positive associations in your past to trigger desirable responses and outcomes. Or it may take simple adjustments within your workplace by setting up a system or putting things in order on your work desk. Minor tweaks within yourself or how you do simple everyday routine could spell the difference in breaking or sealing a sales deal.

More Secrets to Successful Selling

These five practical insights are just some that you can immediately incorporate into your professional life. All of which are explored more in-depth in NLP. However, you can learn more secrets to maximize your sales performance with Jacky Lim’s recently launched book entitled “Increase Sales with NLP: Secrets of Psychology Selling”.


The book thoroughly discusses in detail NLP techniques that you can use to become a master at selling. It covers the earlier discussed Anchoring, Rapport and State Management techniques, among many other powerful NLP tools. You can make an inquiry through our site to learn how you can grab your own copy of the book.

And as a complement to the book, you can also download the free NLP Coaching app to increase your productivity, build lasting relationships with colleagues and clients and discover your path to wealth. It features weekly learning videos and schedules of Jacky Lim’s engaging trainings.

Sign-up for a FREE online Coaching Analysis Test with Jacky Lim today, and let’s talk about how we can set you up for success.

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