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Collapse Anchors to Overcome Stage Fright


Photo credit: bengrey / Foter.com / CC BY-SA

Does it shake it to your core that you end up useless and just a nervous wreck?

If you want to overcome this negative emotion then you have come to the right place. Jacky Lim shares how you are able to own the stage by using Collapse Anchors.

What are Collapse Anchors?

This is a powerful NLP technique that you can use to get rid of negative thoughts or emotions. What is good about this technique is that it replaces the negative thoughts and emotions with a resourceful state. So instead of trembling in fear in facing a crowd you end up feeling relaxed and confident. Hence, you end up more effective with what you intend to do.

In this video, you can see Jacky Lim assist a woman on how she is able to transfer negative emotions into more positive ones even with the same stimulus.

In collapsing anchors, you need to think of the positive and negative anchors at the same time. You will be asked to think of a state that you would rather be in to replace the one that you are facing.

Look on the bright side

In the video Jacky Lim asks the lady to remember a time when she feels most powerful. In this process you will be asked to relive the positive memory and associate with it. By that, it means that you have to integrate your senses. Try recalling what you've seen, hear what you've heard, and feel what you've felt. Let this image grow in your mind so that it becomes more vivid in your memory. Immerse yourself in the positive emotions, up to point that you actually feel good.

You anchor this positive state with a certain action. For instance, tapping a certain finger while you feel the positive emotions. The rationale for this is that when you use different hands, you also use different hemispheres of your brain. This allows you to integrate your states better. Then, as you reach the peak of your emotions, you slowly release your anchor.

You then break this euphoric state for at least 30 seconds. Then you repeat it again by anchoring a different memory that also brings you a positive emotion, or you could recall the same memory again. As you repeat the process, you use the same finger to anchor the emotions. It is advised to do this at least 2-3 times.

The next step is interesting because this is where you test that positive anchor. They say that if you've done the previous step right, you will feel like you've overdosed on happy hormones! This time you will collapse your anchors.

Collapsing Your Anchors

To do this next step you need to fire off your positive and negative anchors simultaneously. You do this by rubbing two fingers from both hands together. This will seem rather challenging as your brain is challenged to integrate the two different states. In fact, some may even find it mildly confusing.

You continue to hold your anchors (your fingers) and slowly you will feel that you are breaking free of the negative emotions. Then you will feel a deluge of positive emotions. This means that your anchor has now collapse, hence feeling awesome.

Try doing this exercise and see yourself overcoming negative situations in your life. If you want to learn more about collapsing anchors or enjoy the full benefits of NLP you can call us today at +65 9822 7132.

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