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The Four-Pillar Formula Towards Any Success

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Success. Ah that very thing that everyone seems to want to achieve and triumph over in life. It does not matter, whether in terms of personal aspirations, relationships, career or money, we all want to thrive, win and come out successful at the end of it all.

For every person, the measure of success can be different. But in general, success means achieving your goal or desired outcome. However sometimes, it can be hard to come by for a lot of people. It takes a great amount of hard work, dedication, perseverance and, some would say, even luck. Just the mere mention of these screams difficult and impossible. But, if only you know the right ingredients to conjure up desirable outcomes for success, then it would be easier. That is what all of us want, after all – an easy yet effective route to success.

Neuro- Linguistic Programming or NLP has just that right ingredients to allow you to achieve success easier, naturally and in the most powerful way. Just like with a good infrastructure, building success requires a solid foundation. And in NLP, achieving your desired outcome and success is anchored on its Four Pillars. This is its basic foundation. And it does not get easier than using the most basic principles to propel you to success and get the results that you want.

Outcome Thinking – It’s About What You Want, Not What You Don’t Want.

The first pillar of NLP is Outcome Thinking. This is the manner how to think what you want by knowing first what you want and have a clear idea of your goal. One way of achieving this is by imagining your goals as if you have already stepped in time and have already attained it.

However, it is important that your vision adheres to steps that will result to a well-formed outcome. First, it is crucial that the outcomes should be stated in a positive manner. This is because the unconscious mind does not recognize negatives and in turn, will just predispose you to achieve a negative outcome instead of what you really want to attain. So, it is in the manner of how you state your outcome that matters.

Also, ensure that your end result is stated in the present tense as if you are already living it. Envisioning should also be kept under control and should be within achievable measures. So, always put it in a context that is applicable to you and that the results will always be a win-win situation for you.

Rapport – Build Better Relationships

The second NLP pillar that is your ability to build a relationship with others and yourself. In your quest to fulfilling your goals, you are bound to interact with other people, who may be able to help you reach those goals easier or could possibly distract you from achieving them. That is why it is important you should be able to communicate with others effectively and establishing a connection with whom you meet along the course.

The NLP Rapport techniques can help you build relationships that are in harmony and in accordance to your ideals so that you can come into an agreement and likeness.  One of the best ways to achieve this is to make a sincere interest in a person and emphasize more on finding your similarities rather than your differences, which lessens resistance and antagonism.

If you are bent on becoming successful in, say, your romantic relationship, Rapport techniques like Pacing and Matching allow you to reduce the differences between you and the other person. Similarly, in your career, you are able to establish and maintain rapport using Matching language by using words that the person understood, which can be complemented by active listening.

Sensory Awareness – Be Attentive to Details

Using all your sense can spell a big difference in letting you see the world differently and how to approach in achieving your desired goal. This is where the third pillar, which is Sensory Awareness, can help you achieve success. This means that you have to hone your ability to ascertain what is going on within you, what goes around you and the people that surrounds you, which can affect your goal setting process.

Communication is a key component in NLP, and by using all your sensory perceptions, you can have a better understanding of a person’s idiosyncrasies, from his body language, voice tonality to breathing rate. This supports in building rapport with others and as a driving force in thrusting you towards your envisioned outcome.

More importantly, sharpening your Sensory Awareness widens your consciousness to see a variety of approaches and choices towards your goal. This allows you to see the options that are available for you when one approach is not working.

Behavioral Flexibility – There is Always an Alternative.

It is one thing to be aware of available options towards achieving your goals, but it is another thing to actually use those alternatives and do something different. Behavioral Flexibility is all about changing your behavior, reaction and actions until you get what you want. This also translates that if you are flexible enough to change and adjust your behavior, you have better control of other people, situations and, of course, your goals.

But more importantly, you have to Take Action. While this is not included in the Four Pillars of NLP, it is an essential step to actually start and achieve the outcome you have outlined.

NLP provides a powerful yet easy formula to achieve success in any aspect in your life. If you want to learn more NLP techniques to boost your life towards success, sit in on one of the NLP Sharing Sessions facilitated by Singapore NLP Practitioner Jacky Lim. Jacky will provide you with insightful NLP techniques to start your journey towards success. Call and reserve a seat now!

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